How Important Are These Reasons When People Are Choosing What Kind of Work to Do? – C1 Advanced Speaking Parts 3 & 4 Sample Answers

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These are high-scoring sample answers for the following Cambridge C1 Advanced Speaking Parts 3 and 4. Read them to understand what you need to talk about and the kind of answers you need to give for a good C1 Advanced speaking score.

C1 Advanced Speaking Part 3 Quiz
IELTS Speaking Part 3 Quiz

C1 Advanced Speaking Part 3


Diagram for C1 Advanced Speaking Part 3 - How Important Are These Reasons When People Choose What Kind of Work to Do?

Sample Answer – Discussion

There is two minutes to discuss how each part influences the central question.

A/ Do you mind if I start?

B/ No, not all

A/ Well, for me by far the most important is enjoyment. If you are going to spend at least 40 hours a week at work, then you should try and like what you do. I think for many people, that is extremely difficult, but it really helps. What about you? Would you agree?

B/ Yes, I would, although with the proviso that there needs to be some kind of objective or goal. Future prospects mean you can grow your career and better yourself as time goes by. Having something to aim for is much more motivating, if you ask me.

A/ I see what you mean, of course, but I also feel that having a talent for what you do is preferable. It would make the whole experience less exhausting, if you ask me. It should also make it easier to progress. Do we see eye to eye on that?

B/ Sure we do. As for how someone’s family and friends are concerned, though, in my mind it’s not that important. I realise it is crucial in some cultures, though with the well-being of the family being the central issue.

A/ I completely agree with you. The length of training too is important, but from what I have heard, the quality is more important. What’s the point of having a three-year certificate, if a year of hands-on experience is more useful.

Sample Answer – Reaching a Decision

There is one minute for the candidates to reach a decision about which activity needs the most concentration.

B/ As far as I’m concerned, enjoyment, talent and prospects are crucial aspects when deciding which job to do?

A/ Yes, and I would say enjoyment is the most important.

B/ Absolutely. The other two come a close second and third, but as for family and how long your training is, I think they should not be considered at all.

A/ Let’s agree on that then, with the caveat that people from other cultures may come to a completely different decision.

C1 Advanced Speaking Part 4

One candidate is asked a Part 4 question, then the other one is asked to give a shorter opinion on it too.


  • What’s the best way to find out what a job is really like?
  • Do you think the media often gives a false impression of how glamorous some jobs are? Why/Why not?
  • Do you think that some kinds of work are under-paid? Why/Why not?
  • Some people say there’s no point in getting a university qualification nowadays because it’s better to get training while you work. Do you agree?
  • How easy do you think it is to achieve a good work/life balance nowadays? Why?
  • Is it a good thing to be ambitious? Why/Why not?

Sample Answers

Question – What’s the best way to find out what a job is really like?

Sample answer – That’s a difficult question for two main reasons. The first one is speaking to someone who works there, although the problem with that is you never know if they are telling the truth, or exaggerating how good or bad it is. For example, someone might not like their manager, so they want to give a bad impression of the company. The second is to actually do work experience at that workplace to find out if you fit in, get paid enough and even what the commute is like.

Question – Do you think the media often gives a false impression of how glamorous some jobs are? Why/Why not?

Sample answer – Yes I do, and I’d like to give two examples. The music industry is often portrayed as being glamorous and who would disagree. However, if you talk to anyone working in that industry, they will tell you it means working extremely long hours, often overnight for very little pay. It seems to be wonderful for them if everything goes well, but very few are really successful. The other obvious one, I would say, is professional sports. Fans talk about how much pro footballers earn, for example, but they have worked extra hard to get to the top. Also, their careers are usually over by the time they are in their mid-thirties.

Question – Do you think that some kinds of work are under-paid? Why/Why not?

Sample answer – Definitely. The first one that springs to mind is teaching. In many countries teachers are revered, but on others they are not, with schools and education departments taking advantage of them. Many teachers think their work is fulfilling because they help and encourage students to reach their goals. However. the students rarely understand this and don’t think about the hidden hours teachers work doing such things as lesson planning or marking. As a result, these undervalued teachers become disillusioned and leave, putting their skills to good use some where else, often in another country.

Question – Some people say there’s no point in getting a university qualification nowadays because it’s better to get training while you work. Do you agree?

Sample answer – As far as I,m concerned, it depends. A university education is essential for some professions, such as medics, law and accountancy. That is the minimum they need before they start further training. Going into these professions only with hands-on experience would be impossible, unless the goal was to be a poorly paid underling. Other courses, such as History of Art, or Gender Studies are often just proof that the student can apply themselves for three or four years. As for training in the workplace, I would say for many people it is invaluable and can turn a boring dead end job into a career. That trying can be upgraded to a diploma or degree depending on how motivated the individual is.

Question – How easy do you think it is to achieve a good work/life balance nowadays? Why?

Sample answer – To be completely honest, I think achieving a satisfactory work life balance these days is a skill in itself, if not a job. With the rapid progress of technology, workers are at the Beck and call of their bosses nearly every waking hour. This can have detrimental effects on their mental health and relationships. For example, a couple could be enjoying a night out to celebrate a birthday. A phone call from one of their bosses demanding a report on something for the next morning can ruin such evenings in less than a minute. The other issue about advancements in tech, are they make people feel inadequate if they don’t have the latest model.

Question – Is it a good thing to be ambitious? Why/Why not?

Sample answer – Ambition is a double edged sword in my view. I would say it’s a good thing when it drives you forward to achieve a goal, either in life or work. However, actually doing what you need to do to reach these objectives often means pushing others out of the way. For example, if a man has a burning ambition to succeed at his job, he could work every hour he could to achieve it. This could be at the sacrifice of his family and friends. As far as I know, it’s not unusual for marriages to end in divorce because the wife can’t stand doing all the family’s work, while the husband is working constantly. They both have the best intentions, but they are often unsustainable. Of course, the children suffer the most from such situations.

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