Paraphrasing C1 Advanced Writing Part 1 Questions

Paraphrasing C1 Advanced Writing Part 1 questions can be tricky for many students due to exam stress and limited time. If you practice and have methods you can use, it makes it much easier in the test. Here are four points you should always remember.

C1 Advanced Writing Part 1 Quiz

Take Note

It is important to keep the meaning as close to the original as possible

If that is done, then the reader can read the essay without knowing what the question is. In other words, the essay can stand alone.

It is not necessary to change every word

If you change the form of the main words, then it preserves their meaning more accurately.

5 Paraphrasing Methods

Here are some ways to help you paraphrase quickly.

1 – Change the word order – sentence order and structure

For example –

All young people who have the opportunity should study in a foreign school or college for a year.If they have the opportunity, all young people should spend a year studying in a foreign college or school.

2 – Change the Form

For example –

should study for a yearshould spend a year studying
you don’t need much moneyA lot of money isn’t needed

3 – Synonyms

(Preferably word to phrase, because word to word often leads to a slightly different meaning)

For example –

Many museums charge for admission while others are free.Numerous museums require visitors to pay an admission fee, while others do not.

4 – Change from active to passive

(Do not say – it is believed that….)

For example:

Some people say the fashion industry has a bad effect on people’s lives.It is said that the fashion industry has a bad effect on people’s lives.

5 – Change positive to negative

For example –

Some people claim that not enough of the waste from homes is recycled. They say that the only way to increase recycling is for governments to make it a legal requirement.Some say that not recycling household waste should become illegal to encourage people to recycle more.


  1. Following a class discussion on how technology has affected the way we live today, you have made the notes below. 

Which aspect of our daily lives has been affected most by technology?

Paraphrase – It is debatable how technology affects every day lives most.

You have listened to a radio discussion programme about the importance of reading different kinds of books in modern society. You have made the notes below:

What type of book is most important to read nowadays?

Paraphrase – These days, it is debatable which genre of book is best to read..

  1. You have listened to a radio discussion programme about further education courses that should receive extra financial support from the government. You have made the notes below.

Which type of further education course deserves extra financial support from the government?

Paraphrase – There is a contentious argument over which kind of educational courses the government should give extra financial support to.

  1. Your class has had a discussion on the value of competitive sport for young people. You have made the notes below.

What is the greatest value of competitive sport for young people?

Paraphrase – How valuable young people’s competitive sport is, is questionable.

  1. You have listened to a radio discussion about how individuals can contribute to solving environmental problems. You have made the notes below.

What can individuals do to contribute to solving environmental problems?

Paraphrase – The contributions individuals can make to solving environmental issues is debatable.

  1. You have listened to a discussion about the value of travelling to other countries.

Whats the greatest benefit of travelling to other countries?

Paraphrase – How beneficial travelling abroad is, is often discussed.

  1. Your class has had a discussion on the best ways of improving the general health of people in today’s world.

What’s the best way of encouraging people to live healthier lifestyles?

Paraphrase – Living more healthily can be encouraged in many ways.

  1. Your class has listened to a radio discussion on how more young people can be encouraged to study science.

Ways of encouraging young people to study science

Paraphrase – Young people should be encouraged to study science in different ways.

I hope that gives you some good ideas for paraphrasing in Cambridge C1 Advanced Part 1. Remember, keep on practicing and you will only get better.