Past Simple pronunciation of ed endings for Authentic English.

The pronunciation of words ending in ‘ed’ is one the most common pronunciation errors. It’s not unusual to come across students who don’t know when to add an extra syllable or not. Then they find out it’s only wrong sometimes, but not only that, sometimes the ending is /t/ and sometimes it’s /d/. After reading these rules and watching the video, why not practice yourself using regular verbs with ed endings here for those starting A to M, and here for N to Z?


Also, when to add a /d/ ending, with NO added syllable 

If the original word ends in a vowel sound, then add /d/, and NO extra syllable. Vowels are A, E, I, O, U

Verb Past Simple Verb Past Simple Verb Past Simple
follow followed apply applied pry pried
enjoy enjoyed accrue accrued toy toyed
play played bow bowed amplify amplified
try tried die died weigh weighed
continue continued fry fried ply plied
annoy annoyed simplify simplified ski skied
tow towed mellow mellowed queue queued
stay stayed sue sued lie lied

This is a useful pronunciation skill to master, so if you would like to sound more natural when you speak English, keep practicing!




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