Cambridge C1 Writing Questions.

C1 Advanced Task 1 Essay Questions

Although most students complain that their English speaking is poor, many are terrified of writing. In both writing and speaking, practice is essential, so here are Cambridge C1 writing questions. Task 1 is always an essay question, while in Task 2 there are four options: a proposal, an email / letter, a review, a report. In the exam, you have to choose one from a choice of three.

Practicing the writing test shows you which tasks you do best, while practicing with an experienced teacher who corrects you and gives constructive feedback gives you much more confidence doing the test, especially regarding how long it takes, which tasks you do best and how to answer so you fulfil the assessment criteria.

does enough to help young people to find jobs which fit their abilities and

interests. You have made the notes below.

Methods schools and universities use to help students find suitable jobs

• providing courses and qualifications

• work experience programmes

• careers advice

Some opinions expressed in the seminar:

‘We study lots of things which we’ll never use in any future job.’

‘Without work experience you’d have no idea what to study at university.’

‘Some of my teachers can’t give me advice because they’ve never done any job other than teaching.’

Write an essay discussing two of the methods in your notes. You should explain which method is more effective, giving reasons in support of your answer. You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the seminar, but you should use your own words as far as possible.

Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.


Your class has listened to a debate about methods employers should use to ensure that their workforce is happy and motivated. You have made the notes below. How can employers ensure that their employees are happy and motivated?

• establish good communications

• encourage a work-life balance

• make employees feel valued as people

Some opinions expressed in the debate:

‘Most employees are satisfied if they are well paid’

‘The happier employees are, the more efficient and productive they will be.’

‘You need to be able to discuss problems with your colleagues and your manager.’

Write an essay discussing two of the methods in your notes.You should explain which method you think is more important for employers to adopt, providing reasons to support your answer.

You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the debate, but you should use your own words as far as possible.

Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.


You have taken part in a seminar discussing how schools and universities can help to make the exam period less stressful for students. You have made the notes below. How can schools and universities help to ensure that students do not suffer from stress during the exam period?

• support from tutors

• a structured revision timetable prior to exams

• time for relaxation and leisure activities

Some opinions expressed in the seminar:

‘Students need to remember that there is more to life than exam success.’

‘Revising for 24 hours a day before exams doesn’t necessarily lead to success.’

‘You won’t do well on the day if you feel stressed.’

Write an essay discussing two of the methods in your notes. You should explain which method you think is more important for schools and universities to adopt, providing reasons to support your answer. You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the seminar, but you should use your own words as far as possible.

Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.


Your class has watched a television documentary about the benefits of helping immigrants to integrate into their local communities. You have made the notes below.

Areas covered

• Language

• Culture

• Work

Some opinions expressed in the documentary:

‘Immigrants should pass a language exam before being allowed to live in the country.’

‘Local culture is enriched by the diversity immigrants bring.’

‘We learn new ways of doing things by working alongside people from other backgrounds.’

Write an essay discussing two of the areas in your notes. You should explain why the areas are important and provide reasons in support of your answer. You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the documentary, but you should use your own words as far as possible.

Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.


Following a class discussion on how technology has affected the way we live today, you have made the notes below. Which aspect of our daily lives has been affected most by technology?

• communication

• relationships

• working life

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

‘It’s great to be able to communicate with people 24 hours a day.’

‘It’s so hard to make personal relationships – everyone’s online all the time.’

‘People have an easier working life because they can work from home.’

Write an essay discussing two of the points in your notes. You should explain which aspect of daily life you think has been most affected by technology, giving reasons in support of your answer. You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the documentary, but you should use your own words as far as possible.

Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.


You have listened to a radio discussion programme about the importance of reading different kinds of books in modern society. You have made the notes below:

What type of book is most important to read nowadays?

• fiction

• history

• science

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

‘You learn a great deal about people by reading fiction, so it helps with relationships’

‘History is just a collection of facts – you can find out all you need to know on the internet.’

‘It’s important for everyone to know about science nowadays, but some ideas in books can be hard to understand.’

Write an essay discussing two of the points in your notes. You should explain which type of book you think is most important to read nowadays. giving reasons in support of your answer. You may. if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible.

Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.


You have listened to a radio discussion programme about further education courses that should receive extra financial support from the government. You have made the notes below.

Which type of further education course deserves extra financial support from the government?

• art

  •       sport

• music

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

‘Art is a way to maintain a country’s cultural heritage, so new artists are needed.’

‘It’s important that sportsmen and women represent the country internationally.’

‘Music develops personal skills like co-operation and empathy necessary in the business world.’

Write an essay discussing two of the courses in your notes. You should explain which type of course deserves extra financial support from the government, giving reasons in support of your answer.

You may. if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible.

Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.


Your class has had a discussion on the value of competitive sport for young people. You have made the notes below.

What is the greatest value of competitive sport for young people?

• positive attitude

• healthy lifestyle

• use of time

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

‘It can make young people overly competitive, then they don’t help each other or learn to                  co-operate.’

‘It’s good to exercise because a healthy body means a healthy mind – winning’s irrelevant.’

‘It takes up too much time and takes young people away from more important things like studying.’

Write an essay discussing two of the points in your notes. You should explain which is the greatest value of competitive sport for young people, giving reasons in support of your answer. You may. If you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible.

Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.


You have listened to a radio discussion about how individuals can contribute to solving environmental problems. You have made the notes below.

What can individuals do to contribute to solving environmental problems

• recycling

• campaigning

•             using energy

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

‘Recycling anything is pretty pointless unless everyone does it.’

‘Campaigning makes a real difference – it makes everyone aware of the issues.’

‘We all need to save energy – I’ve got solar panels on my roof even though they’re expensive.’

Write an essay discussing two of the ideas in your notes. You should explain which idea enables individuals to make the biggest contribution to solving environmental problems, giving reasons in support of your answer. You may. if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible.

Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.


You have listened to a discussion about the value of travelling to other countries.

You have made the notes below.

Whats the greatest benefit of travelling to other countries?

•             education

• experience

• convenience

Some opinions expressed during the discussion:

‘You learn so much when you travel, even if you’re only in a place for a few hours.’

‘There’s no substitute for the feeling of actually being in a place.’

‘It’s so much cheaper and more convenient to watch TV at home – what’s the point in

the hassle of travelling?’

Write an essay discussing two of the points in your notes. You should explain which is the greatest benefit of travelling to other countries, giving reasons in support of your answer. You may. if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible.

Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.


Your class has had a discussion on the best ways of improving the general health of people in today’s world.

You have made the notes below.

What’s the best way of encouraging people to live healthier lifestyles?

• television advertising

• government campaigns

• education in schools

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

‘There’s so much TV advertising of junk food – no wonder everyone’s overweight.’

‘It’s up to individuals to decide how they live, not the government.’

‘If children understand the importance of good health, there won’t be a problem in the future.’

Write an essay discussing two of the ways n your notes. You should explain which is the best way of encouraging people to lead healthier lifestyles, giving reasons in support of your answer You may. if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible.

Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.


Your class has listened to a radio discussion on how more young people can be encouraged to study science.

You have made the notes below:

Ways of encouraging young people to study science:

• advertising

• school programmes

• government grants

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

“You never see positive images of young scientists on TV, just pop stars or actors.”

“Science lessons should be more practical and fun.”

“If young people see science as a career, they’ll want to study it.”

Write an essay discussing two of the points in your notes. You should explain which way 

would be more effective in encouraging young people to study science, providing reasons to support your opinion. You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible.

Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.


You have made the notes below:

Factors contributing to the increase in international travel:

• methods of transport

• global business

• media

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

“It’s quicker to fly abroad than to take a train to the north of my country!”

“My company has offices in 12 different countries.”

“People have developed a love of other cultures through TV and film.”

Write an essay for your tutor discussing two of the factors in your notes. You should explain which factor has contributed more to the increase in international travel, providing reasons to support your opinion. You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible.

Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.


You have listened to a radio discussion programme about how to motivate children to do regular exercise. You have made the notes below:

Ways of motivating children to do regular exercise:

• parental example

• government funding

• school

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

“If children don’t see their parents do exercise, they don’t think it’s important.”

“If sports facilities were cheaper, more people would use them.”

“Sport in schools is too competitive. It should be fun for everyone.”

Write an essay for your tutor discussing two of the ways in your notes. You should explain which way is more effective in motivating children to do regular exercise and provide reasons to support your opinion. You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible.

Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.


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environmentally friendly. You have made the notes below:

Ideas for Influencing people to be more

environmentally friendly:

• laws and taxes

• education

• media

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

“Governments should make people pay if they damage the environment.”

“Schools and parents should teach children to respect the environment from a very early age.”

“News programmes can tell people how important these issues are.”

Write an essay for your tutor discussing two of the ideas for influencing people in your

notes. You should explain which way would be more effective and provide reasons to

support your opinion.  You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible.

Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.


Your class has attended a panel discussion on facilities which should receive money from local authorities.

You have made the notes below:

Which facilities should receive money from local authorities?

• museums

• sports centres

• public gardens

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

• ‘Museums aren’t popular with everybody!’

• ‘Sports centres mean healthier people’

* A town needs green spaces – parks are great for everybody.*

Write an essay discussing two of the facilities in your notes. You should explain which facility it is more important for local authorities to give money to, giving reasons in support of your answer.

You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should

use your own words as far as possible.

Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.


Your class has attended a panel discussion on the subject of TV shows that feature members of the public, such as reality TV shows and talent competitions.

You have made the notes below.

Aspects of reality and talent TV shows

• entertainment for viewers

• influence on young people

• effect on participants

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

‘These programmes are just harmless entertainment and there is nothing wrong with them.’

’The Influence these programmes can have on young people can be very bad indeed.’

’People who take part in these programmes can be damaged by the experience’

Write an essay for your tutor discussing two of the aspects in your notes. You should explain which aspect you think is the most important regarding these TV shows and provide reasons to support your opinion. You may. if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should

use your own words as far as possible.

Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.


You have watched a documentary about what causes young people to start committing crimes.

You have made the notes below.

Reasons why young people commit crimes

• Iack of control by parents

• absence of opportunities in life

• Influence of friends

Some opinions expressed in the documentary:

’Without firm discipline from parents, some children are Iikely to get into trouble.’

‘It’s not surprising that young people who feel they have no chance of a good life turn to crime.’

‘The bad influence of people they mix with can cause some young people to take up crime.’

Write an essay for your tutor discussing two of the reasons in your notes. You should explain which cause you think is the most important for young people committing crimes and provide reasons to support your opinion. You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the documentary, but you should use your own words as far as possible.

Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.


You have listened to a radio discussion programme about what can be done to increase

participation in sports by people of all ages.

You have made the notes below.

Ways of increasing participation in sports

• facilities

• famous sportspeople

• advertising

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

‘What people need to get started in sports is enough free or cheap facilities.’

‘Campaigns involving famous sportspeople are very effective because they are role models for young people.’

‘If people know what is available to them, more of them might take up sports.’

Write an essay for your tutor discussing two of the ways in your notes. You should explain which way you think is likely to be the most effective for increasing participation in sports and provide reasons to support your opinion. You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the documentary, but you should use your own words as far as possible.

Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.


Your class has attended a panel discussion on what are the greatest advantages of digital and computer technology for people in their everyday lives.

You have made the notes below.

• communication

• access to information

• shopping and services

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

‘Being able to contact anyone at any time in any place is obviously the greatest advantage’

‘The fact that people can instantly look up something and find out about it, or learn something new, is the greatest advantage.’

’You don’t need to go out or spend a long time buying or paying for things and that’s the greatest advantage.’

Write an essay for your tutor discussing two of the advantages in your notes. You should explain which advantage you think is the greatest for people in their everyday lives and provide reasons to support your opinion. You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the documentary, but you should use your own words as far as possible.

Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.


You attended a meeting at a local college about who to invite to come and speak to the students. You have made the notes below:

Who should we invite to come and give the annual Spring Term Talk?

  • aspiring actor
  • celebrity pop star
  • influential scientist

Some opinions expressed during the meeting:

“We need someone that the students will recognise!”

“The celebrity culture is already bad enough without us adding to it!”

“We need someone who can talk to students on the same level.”

Write an essay, discussing two of the people suggested in your notes. You should explain which person would be of most interest to the students, giving reasons in support of your answer.

You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the meeting, but you should use your own words as far as possible. Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.


Your class has attended a lecture on ways for the government to boost students’ interest in science. You have made the notes below.

Methods for encouraging an interest in science:

• TV programmes

• improved teaching facilities

• career opportunities

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

‘Not many young people watch science programmes on TV.’

‘It is expensive to provide laboratories with new equipment.’

‘The government cannot guarantee career opportunities.’

Write an essay for your tutor discussing two of the methods in your notes. You should explain which method you think is more important, and provide reasons to support your opinion. You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the meeting, but you should use your own words as far as possible. Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.


You have watched a TV debate about which charity organization should receive funding from the


You have made the notes below:

Which charities should receive funding from the government?

o Sports & Recreation Charities

o Health Charities

o Human Rights Charities

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

‘We should not spend money on sport but health

‘Cancer charities have helped lots of people and need our support’

‘Human rights issues should be addressed’

Write an essay discussing two of the charities in your notes. You should explain which charity is more

important for the government to give money to, giving reasons in support of your answer. You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the meeting, but you should use your own words as far as possible. Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.


You have made the notes below:

Which facilities ore needed most in your area?

– Car park

– Sport center

– History museum

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

‘Young people need sport facilities’

‘Car-parks are only for people who own a car’

‘Museums help to educate people’

Write an essay discussing two of the facilities in your notes. You should explain which facility is needed most in your area, giving reasons in support of your answer. You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the meeting, but you should use your own words as far as possible. Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.


Your principal has suggested a project in which groups of students spend three days on a survival

exercise, living in a remote place where they have to organize their own shelter, food and heat.

You have made the notes below.

The reasoning behind proposal

– Self-sufficiency

– Insight into different living conditions

– Teamwork

Some opinions expressed by students

‘It could be dangerous’

‘Three days is too short to gain any new insight’

‘Participants would need considerable preparation’

Write an essay discussion two of the arguments in your notes. You should explain which argument you think is more important and provide reasons to support your opinion. You may, if you wish, make use of the opinion expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible. Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.


Your class has participated in a discussion on the following proposition: People in the modern world have become too reliant on information technology. 

You have made the notes below.

Some areas to cover

• working life

• studying

• leisure time

Some opinions expressed during the discussion:

‘Most people spend too long using social media instead of seeing real people.’

‘Instead of thinking about things carefully, most people just look for quick solutions on the


‘Information technology allows us to deal with so many things more quickly and efficiently.’

Write an essay on the proposition above. Discuss two of the areas in your notes, expressing your own opinions and giving reasons to support them. You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed during the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible.

Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.

Your class has attended a panel discussion on facilities which should receive money from local authorities.

You have made the notes below:

Which facilities should receive money from local authorities?

• museums

• sports centres

• public gardens

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

“Museums aren’t popular with everybody!’

“Sports centres mean healthier people.”

“A town needs green spaces – parks are great for everybody.”

Write an essay discussing two of the facilities in your notes. You should explain which facility it is more important for local authorities to give money to, giving reasons in support of your answer.

You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible. Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.

C1 Advanced Task 2 Questions


You have received a letter from an English friend:

My new job is great, and next month I get to travel on business. Guess what – I’m actually coming to your town for a week!

I’ll be free some evenings and one weekend. I want to make the most of this opportunity, so I’d like your advice please: where to go, what to do, and why?



Write your letter in reply. You do not need to include postal addresses.

Your friend Sarah has applied for a job in the office of an English Language College that has students from all over the world, and has asked you to write a letter of recommendation for the College Principal.

Applicants should have good communication skills, be a team player and well-organised.

In your letter you should include information about your friend’s relevant work experience and personal qualities, and reasons for recommending them for the job.

Write your letter.

You have received a letter from an English friend.

I’m thinking about coming to live in your town for a while and learn your language! What kind of accommodation would I be able to get?

And you know how keen I am on sport – any chance of learning a new one while I’m there? The problem is, I’ll need to get a part-time job to pay for it all – is that going to be easy?

Let me know – it would be great if I could do it all!


Write your letter in reply. You do not need to include postal addresses.

You see this announcement in an international magazine.

The best of friends!

As part of our series of letters on relationships in the twenty-first century, we want readers to tell us what they think makes someone a good friend, and how such a relationship can be maintained today. Write us a letter about a friend you feel is special. Tell us how you maintain this relationship, and whether you feel i( has changed over the years. We’ll publish the best ones on our Letters Page.

Write your letter. You do not need to include any postal addresses.

You have just returned from a holiday with an English-speaking tour company.

You spent two weeks travelling by coach but were unsatisfied with the arrangements, the itinerary and the accommodation. Write a letter to the tour company, outlining your complaints with examples and explaining what you would like the company to do about the situation.

Write your letter. You do not need to include postal addresses.

You have received a letter from a younger friend asking for your advice.

I’m really worried – I’ve got to decide whether to go to university miles away from all my mates and family, or not bother and take a job locally working for a computer company (you know I love anything technical!). It might possibly lead to promotion in the long-term but I know that university has loads of benefits.

Have you ever regretted going to university? What did you gain or lose from it? What should I do?

Write a letter in reply. You do not need to include postal addresses.

You recently helped to organise an arts day in your area, promoting local musicians and

artists through performances, workshops and exhibitions. You read the article below in a

local paper:

Local arts day – a disappointment

Last week’s arts day didn’t attract many people, had limited appeal to young people and was a waste of council money. 

You disagree with the negative opinions expressed by the reporter, and decide to write a letter to the Editor, explaining why you disagree and saying what you feel was achieved on the day.

Write your letter. You do not need to include postal addresses.

You are a university student and you want to spend a month doing work experience at an international company. You decide to write a letter to the Recruitment Manager at the company explaining why you want to do work experience there and saying how the company would also benefit.

Write your letter.

You read this extract from an article in an English-language newspaper:

It is becoming more and more unusual these days to see children playing outside on bikes or kicking a

football around. The popularity of the Internet and computer games is having a negative effect on children’s health, fitness and social skills.

You decide to write a letter to the Editor of the newspaper explaining your views on the points raised in the article and giving reasons for your opinions.

Write your letter.

You receive this letter from a friend who is planning to study abroad:

I’m not sure about going to study abroad anymore. How will I meet people and find somewhere to live? And I’m worried I won’t understand my lessons. Maybe it’s not the right thing for me after all!

You decide to write to your friend giving your opinion and offering advice.

Write your letter.

You have spent two weeks at a language school in another town.

While you were there, you lived in student accommodation, attended language classes, and took part in social activities organised by the school. A friend of yours has written to you asking whether you would recommend the school.

Write a letter to your friend identifying which aspects of the school you were happy with, explaining which aspects were disappointing, and saying whether you would recommend the school.

Write your letter. You do not need to include postal addresses.

Your company is going to make a video for publicity reasons, showing what the company does and the people who work there. Your manager has asked you to write a letter to all members of staff telling them about plans for this video.

Your letter should explain:

■ why the video is going to be made

■ what the video will contain

■ what staff members will be asked to do.

Write your letter.

You see this advertisement in an English-language magazine.

—————Festival —————

We are looking for staff for an international rock festival, taking place over a three-day period in the west of England during the summer. We are looking for people with a good command of English who could work in the following areas:

• catering (food and drink stalls and tents)

• security (in the performance area, at entrances and around the site)

• first aid (for minor medical problems)

• retail (stalls selling merchandise relating to the artists appearing)

To apply, explain why you would like to work at the festival, give details of the role(s) you would prefer and why, and give reasons why you would be suitable. Send applications to the address below.

Write your letter.

Classes are on weekday mornings, so my afternoons and weekends are free. It would be great if you could suggest how I could spend my free time. Perhaps you can suggest a few indoor as well as outdoor activities? Don’t forget, I’m not keen on sport!

Write a letter in reply to your friend.

You belong to a small sports club and have been asked by other members to write a letter of complaint to the club manager.

Your letter should include the following:

• why club members are not satisfied with the club and the way it is organised

• how the club could be improved

• what may happen if improvements are not made

Write your letter.

It has recently been announced that your area will receive funding for a range of new sports and fitness facilities for young people. Your council is inviting residents from the area to write letters suggesting how the funds should best be spent.

Your letter should explain:

• why this funding is to be welcomed

• what facilities should be provided

• how the new facilities will make a difference to young people in the area.

Write your letter.

You have just spent a weekend with a friend you hadn’t seen since you were at school together many years ago. Write to your friend saying what the reunion meant to you,what you particularly enjoyed doing during the weekend, and what plans you have for meeting in the future.

Write your letter.

You have just read an article in a newspaper urging the government to raise taxes and spend money on making the country more attractive as a possible host for the next World Cup. You are against this idea and decide to write a letter to the newspaper setting out your point of view. You argue that the inhabitants are already paying too much tax and the economy isn’t doing very well. The World Cup is a one-off event that will then leave the country with bills to pay. The World Cup being hosted will bring a whole range of its own problems, from traffic to new construction projects.

Write your letter.

You are reading your favourite newspaper and you come across a letter which attacks the education system in your country (or a country that you know well). 

…What a pity our school system is so out-of- date. I would suggest that some major educational reforms are needed

Yours sincerely

Prof Collins

To give YOUR view contact the editor by writing to…

Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper giving your response to Prof. Collins’ letter

You have decided to go backpacking around Europe. One of your best friends did exactly that last year.

Write to your friend asking for advice. Look at the notes you have made below of all the things that

you need to ask your friend.


– Plan route or Just go for It?

– Accommodation ?

– Places not to miss?

– Best way to travel?

– Insurance?

– Possible problems?

Write your letter


You would like to start a monthly magazine in English for students at the college where you

are studying. You have decided to send a proposal to the college Principal asking for

permission and financial support. Your proposal must include the following:

• why you want to start the magazine

• what the first issue would include

• what support and financial help you need from the college.

Write your proposal.

You see this announcement on your college noticeboard.

Language students – let us improve what we do for you! 

Unfortunately, we can’t spend much money, but we’d like to improve what we provide for our language students. Submit proposals to us explaining what is useful about the current facilities we provide, describe any problems you have with them and make recommendations for how we can improve them, giving reasons to support your ideas.

Write your proposal.

Your school wants to do more to help its language students improve their communication skills and has asked current students to write proposals making suggestions for what the school could do.

In your proposal you should explain what language students currently do to improve their communication skills, describe any problems they have and recommend any activities or facilities that the school should provide.

Write your proposal.

You see this notice in the bus station of the town where you are studying English.

The town council intends to spend money improving public transport in the area, and invites people who use it to send in proposals for improving the system. In your proposal you should outline any problems you have had with local transport, and make recommendations for improving the system in general.

Write your proposal.

You see this announcement in your local paper.

Let’s make next year’s drama festival an even bigger success!

We want to attract people of all ages to our new drama festival next summer, and we want your help. Send us your proposals for what kind of drama and theatrical events we should include in order to attract people of different ages, and what extra facilities the town might need to provide. Make suggestions for dealing with transport and accommodation issues.

Write your proposal.

You attend a college that has many international students. You feel that the college website

does not do enough to support new international students. You decide to write a proposal to

the College Principal, explaining how the college website could be improved to help these


In your proposal, outline what extra information or advice you would include on the website,

and explain how this might help international students make the most of their time at the


Write your proposal.

You work at an international company, and you and your colleagues would like to attend a language course. You decide to write a proposal to your Director suggesting that the company help with the cost of the course.

In your proposal, you should provide information about the time and costs involved and explain the relevance of the course to you and your colleagues’ work.

Write your proposal.

You see the following notice in the place where you work or study.


As you may know, next year we will have been in existence for 20 years, and at a recent meeting it was decided that we should hold a special event to celebrate this achievement. We’re now looking for proposals as to what kind of event to hold.

Have you got a good idea for a special event to celebrate our 20th anniversary? Put together a proposal, giving details of your idea and how the event could be organized. We’ll consider all the proposals at a meeting next month.

Write your proposal.

You have seen this announcement in an international magazine.

The local council has created a new fund to provide financial assistance to people setting up new small businesses. Anyone wishing to set up a business but lacking the funds to do so is invited to send a proposal for their business to the relevant department of the council, giving details of what it would involve, how it would be set up and what the funds would be used for.

Write your proposal.

A group of English-speaking visitors is going to come to the place where you work or study for a day next month. You have been asked to propose a programme for the day of their visit. 

In your proposal, you should suggest a schedule for the day, and give details of what each part of the schedule would involve from the beginning to the end of the visit.

Write your proposal.

You see this notice on the website for your town or city council.

The Council is planning to honour a local hero connected with our area.

The local hero can be someone well known or an ordinary citizen.

He/She could be still living or could be someone from history.

Residents are invited to send in proposals identifying a deserving person, giving reasons for their choice and suggesting a suitable way in which this hero should be honoured.

Write your proposal in 220-260 words.

A television station is planning a series of documentary programmes about life in your region and is inviting proposals from interested members of the public.

The series producer invites you to send a proposal outlining ideas for some of these programmes, which should be of interest to general audiences as well to people who live in the region. You should give reasons for your suggestions and say why you believe people unfamiliar with the region would find the programmes interesting.

Write your proposal.

A national TV channel is planning a series of documentary programmes about unusual hobbies and

is looking for people and their hobbies to feature in the programmes. 

The series producer invites you to send a proposal outlining ideas for two of these programmes, which should be aimed at general audiences rather than other people doing these hobbies.

Your proposal should suggest hobbies of different types and give reasons why you think they would make successful TV programmes.

Write your proposal.

You see this announcement from an environmental agency in a local newspaper.

We are running a campaign to persuade organisations in our town to use resources more carefully and to reduce waste. The agency invites you to submit a proposal outlining the current situation

in an organisation that you know well and to suggest ways in which this situation could be improved.

We will provide financial support for approved proposals.

Write your proposal in 220-260 words.

You see this announcement on the notice board of your local council.

The Environmental Planning Committee is organising a campaign to make our town more ‘green’. You are invited to submit a proposal related to your neighbourhood. Present some factual information about the area, pointing out any relevant environmental issues, and suggest practical measures which individuals and families could take to make the neighbourhood more green.

Write your proposal in 220-260 words.


You have just completed six months in a new job. In preparation for a progress meeting, you

have been asked to write a report to your manager.

Your report should explain what you feel you have achieved in the job so far, describe any

problems you have had, and suggest any future training that would be suitable.

Write your report.

You have been asked to write a report for an international survey about attitudes to jobs in your country. You should:

• describe the ways in which some jobs have gained or lost respect during the past twenty


• explain why you think this has occurred

• say what other changes in job status may take place in the future.

Write your report.

You have just finished a short period of work in a company abroad as part of your business course. You have now been asked to write a report for your course organiser.

In your report you should explain what you did and how you benefited from the period of work, describe any problems you had and make recommendations for other students on the business course who will be working in the same company abroad later.

Write your report.

You have been helping to run a new music club at your college. Now the college principal wants to get more people involved with the club and attract new members.

The club organiser has asked you to write a report for the principal outlining what the club currently does, explaining the club’s future plans and suggesting ways of getting more people involved with the music club.

Write your report.

You see the following announcement in a consumer magazine.

Shop till you drop?

We’re collecting information about young people’s shopping habits across the world.

Send us a report on your country. Your report should describe young people’s shopping habits in your country, consider whether the way young people shop is changing, and suggest what might affect the kind of things young people buy in the future. We’ll publish the most interesting reports.

Write your report.

asked older students for their suggestions.

Write a report explaining the facilities currently available, describe those that have been most useful to you and suggest any improvements that could be made in providing information and access to work experience.

Write your report.

You see the following announcement in an international travel magazine.

Do you use buses or trains?

We are running a survey on facilities and services provided at bus and train stations around the world, and would like to find (he best and the worst. Send us a report on a bus or train station you have used.

We’d really like to know what was good or bad about the bus or train station and any problems you have experienced. We’d also like your suggestions for ways in which the bus or train station could be improved.

Write your report

You are on the Student Committee at the college where you study. A year ago, the college gave the Committee some money to start a student website. The aims of the website were to inform students about local events, to publicise college clubs, and to review products of interest to students.

The Principal has asked you for a report explaining whether the website has met its aims and saying why the website should continue to have financial support.

Write your report.

You are studying at an international college and you recently attended a careers day organised by the college to help students prepare for work. The event included information about how to identify suitable jobs, workshops on writing effective job applications, and advice on how to do well in interviews.

The College Principal has asked you to write a report evaluating to what extent the event was

successful and making recommendations for next year’s event.

Write your report.

As part of an exchange programme, you recently spent a week staying in another country with someone who had previously stayed with you as part of the same exchange programme.

You have been asked to write a report on your experience. Your report should include where you went and who you stayed with, and what you did during your visit. It should also include a 

comparison between your visit and the person’s previous stay with you, as well as any points

you wish to make about the exchange programme in general.

Write your report.

As a member of the entertainments committee at the place where you work or study, you have been asked to write a report on the events that the committee organized over the past year.

In your report, you should describe events that took place and what they involved, say whether they were successful or not, and comment on the organization of them.

Write your report.

As part of a class project about education and work, you have been asked to write a report on what young people in your city, region or country do after they leave school.

Your report should include information about further studies that some young people do after they leave school and the kind of jobs that other young people do immediately after leaving school, and

you should also mention where you got the information from.

Write your report.

A leading educational publisher is interested in language learning in different countries.

You have been asked to write a report on foreign language learning in your country. In your report you should deal with

• the languages people learn, who learns them and where they learn them

• recommendations for improving language learning in your country.

Write your report.

An international media company is investigating the influence that television programmes imported

from English-speaking countries have on different countries around the world.

You have been asked to write a report on English-language TV programmes in your country.

In your report you should address the following:

• how popular these programmes are and why

• the effect they are having on local culture

• any changes you would recommend.

Write your report.

The international organisation where you work has a sum of money available for making improvements to the work environment in your office to make it more productive.

You have been asked to write a report for your manager in which you

• outline the problems with your work environment

• summarise the improvements you and your colleagues suggested

• recommend two changes.

Write your report. Write between 220 and 260 words.

You have been working in an international hotel chain for a month as part of a work experience programme.

The training manager has asked you to write a report in which you

• describe the tasks and activities you participated in

• explain any problems with the programme

• make recommendations for two improvements for future programmes.

Write your report. Write between 220 and 260 words.

A committee is looking into ways of improving facilities in your place of study.

The committee chairperson has asked you to write a report on the current situation and make suggestions for improvements.

Address the interests of these three groups of people:

• students

• staff members: teachers and administrative staff

• visitors: prospective future students and others.

Write your report in 220-260 words.

Numbers of foreign students attending a language school in your town have been falling recently and a governors’ committee has been established to increase future numbers.

The school principal has asked you to write a report for this committee on the current situation and to

recommend how more students could be attracted to the school.

Your report should address the following:

• what attracts foreigners to your town

• new teaching methods and facilities that could be offered

• how leisure facilities and opportunities for socialising could be improved.

Write your report in 220-260 words.

Your company requires you to wear formal dress to work. There is a proposal to introduce a ‘dress-down’ day, that is one day at the end of the working week when employees can wear informal clothes. Your manager has asked you to write a report on the advantages and disadvantages of this proposal.

Write your report.

You have just completed a cooking course. As part of the school’s research and efforts to offer superior classes, they have asked you to write an evaluation of your experience as a student.

Your report should discuss what you learned from the class and what you thought of the teachers and

their instruction methods.

Mention any ways you think the class could be improve and say whether you would or would not recommend the course to a friend or relative.

Write your report.

You have just completed six months in a new job. In preparation for a progress meeting, you have been asked to write a report to your manager.

Your report should explain what you feel you have achieved in the job so far, describe any problems you have had, and suggest any future training that would be suitable.

Write your report.


You see the following announcement on a website, Great Lives: Reviews wanted

Send us a review of a book or film that focuses on somebody who has made an important contribution to society. 

Did you learn anything new about the person’s life from the book or film? Did the book or film help you understand why this person made their important contribution?

Write your review.

An international magazine has asked its readers to send in a review of two different computer


Write a review for the magazine in which you compare and contrast two different computer games, commenting on the following points:

• graphics and visuals

• the appeal of each game

• value for money.

Write your review.

You see the following announcement on a music website:

Have you been to an interesting and unusual music festival or concert recently?

Write a review for our website and tell us about it. Explain what it was. and what made it interesting and unusual. Do you think this kind of event is relevant today? We will put the most interesting reviews on our website.

Write your review.

You see this announcement on a media website.

Best TV series ever!

We want to find out what people think is the best TV series they’ve ever seen. Help us compile a list of the top ten! Submit a review of your own favourite TV series, explaining why it appeals to you and giving reasons why it should be included in our top ten list.

Write your review.

You see the following announcement in a travel magazine.

Have you been to a place you will never forget? We want to hear about it!

We’re compiling a list of the most memorable places in the world. Send us a review of a place that has stayed in your memory. What was so special about it? Why did it make such a lasting impression on you? Why should we put it on our list?

Write your review.

You see the following announcement on a music website:

Music Festivals

Some music festivals provide great entertainment for the whole family, while others are aimed at particular groups of people. We’re looking for reviews from you. our readers, about a music festival you’ve been to. Tell us how memorable you think the festival was for its audience and make suggestions for how it could be improved in future. We’ll publish the best reviews on our website.

Write your review.

You see the following announcement on a travel website:

Outdoor Activity Holidays

If you’ve been on an outdoor activity holiday then we’d love to hear from you. Maybe you went horse riding, rock climbing or windsurfing, for example.

Write a review for our website evaluating the location, facilities and activities, and explaining why you would, or wouldn’t, recommend it to other holidaymakers.

Write your review.

An English language magazine is looking at television talent shows around the world. You decide to write a review of a television talent show in your country. In your review, explain what happens on the show and evaluate whether it provides positive role models for young people.

Write your review.

You see the following announcement in an international magazine.

Have you bought a new product recently, or had one bought for you?

Maybe you’ve just got a new gadget or piece of technology or equipment.

It could be something for work or leisure.

We’d like to hear what you think of it for our Readers’ Reviews Page. Describe the product for readers and give your opinions on it. Do you recommend it? If so, why? If not, why not? Send your review to the address below

Write your review.

You see the following announcement in an international magazine.


Have you seen someone perform live who you had previously only heard on recordings or seen on TV or in films? We’d like you to send us reviews of concerts by bands you’d never seen live before or actors you’d never seen on stage.

Describe the performance in detail. What did you think and what did the rest of the audience think? Compare the live performance with how the same person / people perform in recordings or on TV or in films. Were they not so good live, or did you prefer them live? Did your opinion of them change? Send your reviews to the address below.

Write your review.

You have just returned from a trip during which you rented an apartment for a week. You were very pleased with the accommodation and you have decided to write a review of it for a travel website. In your review, describe your experience of renting the apartment, say what the apartment was like, and explain why you enjoyed your stay there.

Write your review.

You have seen this announcement in an international magazine.

We receive a lot of letters from readers asking us to recommend novels to read. We believe that they

should read novels that they will find interesting and we’d like to publish reviews of novels which other readers have particularly enjoyed. Send us a review which describes the novel, says what you liked about it and explains why you recommend it.

Write your review.

You see the announcement below on a website called


We’d like to know what local people think of different hotels in their area, so we’re opening a section written by local people to help visitors to choose the hotel which suits them best. 

Send us a review which recommends two hotels in your area for two different types of visitor and says what sort of visitor each hotel would suit and why.

Write your review in 220-260 words.

Your student magazine has asked you to write a review of the latest film in a popular series. Say what is good and bad about the film, and whether it lives up to the earlier films in the series.

Write your review.

You see the following announcement on a website, Great Lives: Reviews wanted

Send us a review of a book or film that focuses on somebody who has made an important

contribution to society. Did you learn anything new about the person’s life from the book or film? Did the book or film help you understand why this person made their important contribution?

Write your review.


You recently spent a week at an adventure sports centre. A friend is thinking of going to the

same place and has sent you an email asking about your experiences there.

Reply to your friend, giving information and advice.

In your email, you should 

explain what you did at the place

describe your feelings during your stay

advise your friend about going there.

Write your email.

You have been in your first job for a few months. A friend is about to start work and is feeling nervous

about it. She wants your advice about how to prepare for the world to work, what to expect and how

to behave.

Write an email telling her about your experiences and giving her tips on how to cope.

Write you email